Contracting Specialist
CRYSTAL NG 832-205-8229
APRIL LAURIE 501-503-1711
Call 1-800-906-3310,
Option 4 for Contracting
Sample contract email image
Send screenshot to
Crystal or April
after you completed
your application
Tips to fill out e-application:
Answer for tricky questions in application:
Call 1-800-445-6758
Option 4 for Contracting
Sample contract email image
Send screenshot to
Crystal or April
after you completed
your application
Sample welcome email image
- Locate ‘For Financial & Insurance Professionals’
button on the top right side of the homepage
- Insert your username: {AgentContractNumber}
- Enter your password: a lowercase ‘s’ followed
by your Social Security Number (no
Tips to fill out contract:
Answer for tricky questions in application:
Call 1-800-867-6873
Email: contractsandappointments
Call 1-888-266-8489
Sample contract email image
Send screenshot to
Crystal or April
after you completed
your application
Tips to fill out contract:
Answer for tricky questions in application:
Complete 3 ATHENE FIA’s products required training. You may begin this training course as soon as you submit contract while waiting for carrier approval.
1 . Go to
2. Create an account with RegEd
3. Login and at the Homepage, select “Enter Product Code” from the left
navigation bar
4. Enter course code below:
Note: These courses are FREE if you DO NOT select CE credit
5. Upload your completion certificate to your ATHENE Agent Portal after you
get approved from ATHENE
NOTE: Before soliciting annuity business, producers must also complete a 4-hour (some state requires 8-hour) best interest standard and general annuities to satisfy state requirement
Please contact RegEd to verify this information and complete this
state mandated course requirement ASAP!
RegEd Tel: 1-800-334-8322, opt. #2 for M-F 8AM to 8PM EST
State and industry requirements may change at any time without notice to our office. Please verify your licensing and education requirement with RegEd or Carrier
and share the up-to-date information with Admin Team.